Monday 8 May 2017

Antiochus and Seleucus waiting

SELEUCID Greeks: Well the army is almost done, just awaiting a few more light greek cavalry to complete and contemplating buying another lot of Cataphracts. This army was a lot of fun to build as the forces came from a range of producers, plastic and metal. The mainstay of the army was from Newline Designs in the UK. A lot of Hat Industrie came in for the bolt shooters, Persian style satrapal cavalry, javelinmen, slingers, archers (all from Alexander's light infantry which can be used in a range of forces.). Caesar miniatures come in handy with arabs and camels as well as their hebrew set for part of the city mobs.

Above: The Seleucid Cataphracts, tough troops these (from Newline designs). These represent 2,000 of the kind but they probably fielded more so am tempting to get more unit paks of these, 9 cavalry. As I work in blocks of a thousand I will need ideally 12 cavary so I may by one extra pak on top to bring them up to 3,000. Each base (or element) is around 250 men, 3 cavalry to a base = 250 cav x 4 bases equals 1,000.  The man in the purple cloak at the back of these us the king, either Antiochus III or Seleucus.

In the photo above  range of manufactures can be seen. Back left are Hat Industrie Persians next to them in the centre back are Zvezda Scythians. The cataphracts are metal (Newline designs) and the next to them are 4 elements of Caesar's arabs (making a 1,000 representing arab border troops). Hat javelinment from Alexander's light infantry are the javelinmen next to them. The foreground contain newline design's Thureopoi. 

Above: More troops for Antichus. In the centre are Newline Designs metal Scythed chariots (each chariot elements represents 25 of these so 50 in total). Beyond that a lining up nicely not going beserk are 2 Newline design elephants (25 elements each base-not to self might need more of these). Persian satrapal levy behind them (Hat) and way off in the distance the spears of Phalanx.

Here we see a great deal (but not all) of the Seleucid army. In the front is a line of skirmishing troops (mainly Hat). behind them are the numerous Phalanx (mainly Newline design but some hat) Behind them in the foreground we have Thueropoi (Hat) in the yellow Hillmen (newline) behind at the front are Thoraki (Newline and Hat) and the grey shields are Roman imitation infantry and behind them are the city mob, if the fighting gets down to these the game is lost! Beyond the hillmen are Galatians and behind them Thracians to add more colour to the force. At the back past the mob are arab camely (all Newline except for two made by Caesar). The odd troops here and there with three horses are leaders.

Last photo for this review, here as the sun goes down in the outback the Seleucids march forward in front of them and other construction is one of their arch enemies, the Ptolemaics,

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