Sunday 23 April 2017

Next Campaign


I don't like to just create battles I am after a fuller experience. I like to run the country's resources and diplomacy and so forth and fight battles along the way. My first big battle was Cannae (216 BCE), no I didn't fight it then even though I was born last century I am not that old.
If I can work out how to post the video from Cannae (I made two) I will do so, the result, Carthage easily. 
Clash of arms as Persian army (left) rushes headlong into Macedonians

So I could make up my own strategic rules-I have some using the old "Civilization"(US spelling) game as a base, using space number as Manpower factor (MP) and each city as a '1' for Resource point (RP). Then a combination thereof to buy units. I have seen some very complex affairs through to simply ones. I am tempted by an article I read in Society of the ancients magazine (Slingshot  # 309) where there is a short article on Hellenistic wargaming. I have done a lot of research into various eras to try some campaigns. So my favourite eras to wargame this way would be
  • Egyptian XVIII-XX dynasty (New Kingdom), Egypt at it's strongest with a range of leadership styles, up against the Hittites (Lots of chariots here) throw in Mitanni, early Greeks, Assyrians and a scattered range of city states between makes for a good campaign.(I hope to start this one late 2018 CE),
  • The Hellenistic Kingdoms (c.300 - 100 BCE) with the main three kingdoms of Macedon, Seleucia (Seleucid greek kingdom) and Ptolemies with a range of lesser states with republican Rome sitting on the side lines and various Indian and Greco Indian kingdoms to the east.
  • The Punic Wars, esp 2nd Punic war.
So thats the range to start with. I have done one battle using a lot of random die and came up with a Persian vs Indian battle with Persia as the winner. 
Some Indian troops on the march against Persians only to be smitten quite a lot really.
So the next campagin will be HELLENISTIC SUCCESSOR KINGDOMS (c.280-100 BCE). The kingdoms (and therefore armies) which may be involved will be 
the three main successor states, Republican Rome, Pontus, India, Scythia, Maccabees, Pergamun, Rhodes, Aetolian League, Achean League, Sparta and so on. Random events will play a large part of this. I need to find a good way to build some navies - any suggestions appreciated.

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