Saturday, 19 August 2017

Battle of Aradus (265 BCE) 

As the die were rolled to work out random events a very large Seleucid Army under Antiochus III headed south along the coast of present day Syria and Lebanon. The Ptolemies under Ptolemy III marched north, they did not want to loose their hard won lands.

The armies chose a flat bit of land with a slight rise (due to slight differences in table heights!). 
All ready to go Seleucids on left (c60,000 troops) with Ptolemaics on the right (c.55,000) with Field of Glory (FOG) rule book and soft drink

As usual with many of the battles in this area of this time, the light troops pushed and prodded wit assorted cavalry trying to make the break through whilst the phalangists hold back.

The Ptolemaic left flanks moves forward under command of Ptolemy III meanwhile in the distance the Seleucid left flank are blessed by a zap of sunlight from the gods, this is enough to spur them onto amazing things

(Below) On the left wing Antiochus had ordered his general, Seleucus (and son) to attack the Ptolemaic right flank near "Zebra Rock". Here Tarentine Light Horse, Parthian, Horse Archers, Nisian Cavalry, two divisions of Satrapal Persian Style Cavalry(still been blessed by their sun god)  charge backed up by Arab guards in foreground, in the distance the Ptolemies await the clash

Many die were rolled and the Ptolemaic left flank fell apart as their limited cavalry (1,000 Nubian, 1,000 light Greek) were obliterated. The Seleucids followed up with wave after wave of horse, Ptolemy committed Thracians, Nubian and some some Thorakik to stem the flow all to no avail. 

The above photo shows the right flank of the Ptolemies just before inmpact. 

The above shot shows the Seleucids about to break through

So after several months painting, a month setting up and a few weekends rolling die it looks like the Ptolemies maybe in some trouble meanwhile on their left flank, Seleucid initial charges had been halted really by the dynamic leadership of Ptolemy III as he lead his Agema into the Seleucid Cataphracts. (See below) 

So with the flanks tense Ptolmey orders his Egyptian Phlanx (mind you to be honest not much faith can be put into these buit shall see) 
Above the day is saced the redoubtable Egyptin phalanx moves into the battle..........

More details to follow